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The 'Ghosts'

Clayclan is yet young and lacking in traditions, but there is one rather large difference between them and other clans. The tendency for a 'ghost' to manifest around members. These cats appear in clan member's dreams and help guide them through life. Each 'ghost' is with a cat from birth and only the cat who has received them can see them. Even the 'ghosts' themselves cannot see each other and they often remark about being lonely. They are 'ghosts' and not Starclan cats for these cats have not made it to either Starclan or The Dark Forest. Something has trapped them in Clayclan's hunting grounds and they do not know what. In fact, many of the 'ghosts' have broken memories. Claywhistle, the 'ghost' of the first leader of Clayclan, was the one to lead him to the territory. It is remarkable just how similar they are in coloration and temperament... But despite the confusion around why they exist, the 'ghosts' are quite integrated into Clayclan life. Now if only those flickering figures could be figured out.


Molded by the past, fired for the future.

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