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Name: Driftstep

Past Names: Danny, Feverfew

Pronouns: She/Her, They/Them (demi-girl)

Orientation: Aromantic, Asexual

Rank: Medicine Cat of Clayclan

Age: 32 moons

Basic Description: A white shecat with a brown patch, very short legs, and pale yellow eyes

Color: #998759

Biggest Fear: Dying slowly and alone

Personality: Though short in stature and certainly not the most physically adept of cats, Driftstep is not without her talents. Her mind seems to run along the lines of that of cats three times her age. She's a planner by nature and very level-headed, though sometimes younger cats can fluster her due to her lack of experience with them. A determined cat, Driftstep refuses to back down in the face of difficulty or get stuck feeling sorry for herself. While not without empathy, she looks at situations more logically than emotionally and expects others around her to do the same. She has a strong fear of both fights and the unknown and would rather try to keep the status quo, provided the status quo is proven helpful. And though Driftstep is not ashamed of her short legs she is conscious of them, feeling they're something she has to make up for and be useful in spite of. Most of her haughty attitude from kit-hood was lost during her time with the rouges.


History: Driftstep's mother gave birth to her after getting lost from her kittypet home. Pregnancy had driven Melinda up the wall in the confined house but when she had slipped out the window for a little walk she soon found herself irreversibly lost. With her short little munchkin legs and kittypet attitude, even had she not been on the cusp of giving birth Melinda would not have survived in the wild on her own. Thankfully, she didn't have to. Found by a clowder of elder cats who were skilled in the art of healing and well-fed thanks to food humans left out for them, Melinda was well taken care of and after giving birth to her Driftstep, then Danny, was too. In fact the old cats positively doted on the pair, especially Danny whose lively attitude and youthful determination was a treat. She had a pleasant upbringing, never being expected to learn hunting or fighting but rather learning all she could about the different types of herbs and their uses from the various cats and discovering many herself. There weren't any other young cats in the clowder thanks to the nearby human's policy of trap-fix-release so Danny grew up quickly, well mentally at least. Danny would have been content to live out the rest of her life simply learning and healing but that was not to be. One day a group of travelling rouges notorious for their ruthlessness in pillaging from other settlements of cats attacked. It was slaughter. Neither the elders nor Danny or her mother knew anything about fighting but the grown cats would do anything they could to protect their home and the little shecat they held most dear. But all they could do was be cut down. In the chaos Danny felt more than saw the deaths of the cats she loved the most in the world. She darted around the battlefield as fast as her tiny legs could carry her, trying to save their lives. The rouges found her standing over the limp body of her mother. They debated killing her; she was weak like all the others and appeared to be of no use. But the entire attack had been a bust for them; the elder group had no prey to steal and no good cats to take, all they had were herbs and no rouge knew what to do with those. But Danny did, and her skill was apparent by her attempts to staunch her mother's wounds. So the rouges had her fix up their wounded and carted her away to their main camp to serve as their healer. While the journey to the rouges camp took days and was very hard on the munchkin, she was surprised to find when they arrived that the camp that its occupants were not horrific, barbaric savages. They were a warm-hearted group of cats who worked together and clearly loved each other. There were even little kits running around! But while the rouges treated their new healer well enough, even giving her the new name of Feverfew for her white pelt and skill with herbs, she could not forget that the death of her family had come at these cats paws and that she was a captive and not free. Over the moons she plotted her escape, and though where to she knew not, and though the unknown was terrifying to her, eventually she broke out. One night when the raiding party was out ravaging another group and the eyes on her were lax Feverfew ran for it. She disguised her scent with mushrooms and leaves, ran through streams, and refused to stop even well into the next afternoon. Unsure of how she was to survive on her own especially in the snow-times, all Feverfew could do was keep moving until she managed to find herself in Clayclan.


Family: An only kit, Driftstep was born to kittypet Melinda and one of the toms that wandered the alleys whose name, though Driftstep never knew it, was Dove. She has quite a few half-siblings whom she has never met.

Molded by the past, fired for the future.

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