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Name: Resinstar

Past Names: Chip

Pronouns: He/him (cis male)

OrientationBiromantic, Asexual

Rank: Leader of Clayclan

Age: 38 moons

Basic Description: A lean, orange red tabby tom with white mittens and amber eyes

Color: #BF6B0B

Biggest Fear: Losing someone he loves

Personality: Though a terrible flirt Resinstar is a largely easygoing cat, he has to be to put up with Claywhistle's jokes after all! He's fairly excitable and always curious, desperate to take in and enjoy everything he can about the world. Unfortunately with this curiosity also comes naivete. Resinstar tends to overlook the more serious issues that pop up around him, whether because he simply doesn't notice or because he uses avoidance as a coping strategy, it varies from time to time. He's generally an optimist despite, or perhaps because of, his rough upbringing. After all life really can't get that much worse after you've lived with and subsequently been abandoned by your oppressive family after the death of the two cats in the world you loved the most. Loyal and doggedly determined, Resinstar finds it near impossible to let go. Giving up even the most fruitless of endeavors simply does not compute in his brain and neither does hiding who he is. Resinstar has a plain abhorrence to lying or tricks of any kind. He will stand for what he stands for no matter what others might think of him.


History: Born to two junkyard cats, Resinstar was brought into a world of cold, dingy grey as Chip. His family were the only feline occupants of the yard for most of his first year but still he never felt very close to his parents or his brother. Chip needed other cats with fresh ideas to chat with and would often venture out of the junk yard to visit and chat in secret with the nearby clowder, his sister Steel tagging behind to mind him. They never told their parents about their trips upon Steel's insistence. Al and Minnie weren't fond of ideas, they wouldn't understand. He wasn't allowed to invite Hammer along either, though his brother was far more interested in learning from Al than listening to stories about forests that size of cities. As Chip got older other cat families began to move into the junkyard and while Steel spent less time with him, Chip had found a new friend in Ivy. Ivy, like Chip, was a dreamer with stars in his eyes. In a community of cats looked down their nose at animals who ate mice from the tail up rather than the head down, the two toms whispered of rivers and plains. They were in love, and Chip was terrible at hiding it. Around the same time, Steel fell pregnant and also dangerously ill. Chip tried his hardest to heal his sister but with only Ivy for help they could do very little and Steel died within a moon. Inconsolable Chip tried to rekindle a relationship with his family especially his brother and tried very hard to be interested in the kinds of things Hammer was. At some point he let slip that he and Ivy were together and his remaining family rounded on him, driving him from his home. He lurked around the alleys for a while after that, finding shelter with the clowder and waiting for Ivy, but he never came. Eventually Claywhistle appeared to him in a dream and then in physical form, equally unsure of how he got there. The dead Beechclanner lead Chip, now Resinstar, to his old territory where the tom set the past behind him and established Clayclan.


Family: Resinstar's family consisted of his father Al and his mother Minnie, both of whom he was estranged from for most of his life and later disowned by. With his brother Hammer he was no closer but Resinstar was practically inseparable from his sister Steel when she was alive. She was his protector, tutor, and best friend and he will forever mourn the loss of her and her unborn kits. His former mate was a tom named Ivy who while also deceased, found his way to Starclan.

Molded by the past, fired for the future.

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